Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Write a wonderful thesis using LaTex

Write your final year thesis using LaTex.

LaTex is easy to use and time saving in the cases when you will have to edit your thesis many times, like inserting a new equation, figure, or table or inserting a new section etc.....

Follow the instructions given below and get a wonderful thesis using LaTex..

Download links

It contains the full version of MikTex (LaTex compiler) and a editing tool for LaTex called TexStudio.

you will have to install both.

Lyx is another LaTex editing tool, you can use it to write your equations...I would suggest to install it too...

LaTex template for thesis
Above link contains the LaTex template to write your thesis. Download it and unzip it. Save the folder "Local Tex Files" to C drive.

Open TexStudio

Open the Thesis.tex, Thesis.cls files contained in the path Local Tex Files/tex/latex/misc

Modify the contents .....

Now run the program pressing the PDFLATEX icon in the TexStudio tool. 
Your Thesis.tex will be complied and a PDF version of your Thesis will be stored in the same folder. 
Open the PDF then....

Supporting links to write the latex script

Mathematical equations

Math editor for Latex